Az Amazonastól a Himalájáig

Horváth Balázs weboldala, a 2016 év eleji indulása után sorakozott fel a magyar utazási blogok toplistájára, három hónapig tartó, immár második világkörüli útjának tudósításával. Az út alatt úszott a kajmánokkal és piranjákkal teli Amazonas folyóban, snorkelezett a Galapagos-szigeteken és feljutott a Himalája egyik nyolcezres hegyének, az Annapurnának az alaptáboráig. Erről, és korábbi útjairól hallhatjátok [...]

90 nap alatt a Föld körül

Horváth Balázs blogja, a Micsoda Turista 2016 év eleji indulása után sorakozott fel a magyar utazási blogok toplistájára, három hónapig tartó, immár második világkörüli útjának tudosításával. Az út alatt úszott a kajmánokkal és piranjákkal teli Amazonas folyóban, snorkelezett a Galapagos-szigeteken és feljutott a Himalája egyik nyolcezres hegyének, az Annapurnának az alaptáboráig. Erről, és korábbi útjairól [...]

Quito? Yes, please!

I arrived to Quito in rather comfortable circumstances; firstly, because my body that is used to the crammed spaces of cheap airlines of Europe could not stretch enough to reach any objects around on my flight to the city, and secondly because it really is a good feeling that after a few hundred flights there [...]

Don’t go chasing…

A short side-trip on the way to Sao Paulo took me to Foz do Iguacu to see the waterfalls. It is on the river Iguazu that separates Brazil and Argentina, accessible from both sides. 80% of falls is actually on the Argentinian side which makes them think they are cooler, but the Brazilians argue that [...]

Manaus, a gateway to Amazon

My arrival to the city wasn’t without its challenges, as I spent all my cash in Rio. This forced me to either use an ATM or find a money exchange - but the experience with ATMs so far is that they show me the finger 4 out of 5 times, and the airport only had [...]

From daydreaming to departure

Here are the phases of planning a round-the-world trip. Phase 1: Daydreaming (6 months – 80 years before departure) You start dreaming about it. It usually starts at the age of 6, but a saddening percentage of the population will never proceed beyond this phase regardless of their number of years. You imagine the places, [...]

LA Rubia

On my first trip to the USA, we went on business, to a video game conference in LA. We stayed in a hotel that seemed sooo exclusive from where I looked at it: I was broke after my first company failed, just went back to employment, etc, so I hardly could contain my excitement (ahh [...]

The Sydney Opera House

The reason of Sydney Opera House’s presence on my bucket list was mainly professional. It is a fascinating case of layers of success of a project; and a prime example of the tainted interdependencies between ground-breaking creativity, politics and constraints of time and cost. Pure awesomeness from any direction After the decision was made [...]

A Tokyo encounter

I arrived back to Asia after a few years of absence from the continent. My first trip left me wanting more, so I was keen on returning. To pile up the expectations, as an avid gamer, a visit to Tokyo including the Tokyo Game Show was the stuff of dreams. I prepared the way that [...]